Stop Snoring 300 x 250</p> Stop Snoring 300 x 250</p>

Best Stop Snoring Device?

Sleeping is supposed to be a time to rest and have a peaceful night, but unfortunately for some of us, bed time poses a problem. The noise brought about by snoring is enough to disturb others sleep and upset your own. Snoring is really a common sleeping problem for many of us. However most people do not even know what causes it.

Actually, there are a number of reasons why people snore. One is because of a blocked or partially blocked nasal airway or sinus passage. Another could be because of poor tone of the muscle in the tongue or throat. A long vulva or soft palate could also bring someone to snore. Furthermore, obesity can be a contributing factor in developing or worsening your snoring problems. Since snoring has different causes, there are also different remedies and stop snoring devices designed specifically to address each. The best approach would be to first identify what is the actual cause of your snoring.

Obstructed sinus passages or nasal airways could be remedied by some simple devices. An example of such device is the nasal strip. It is an over-the-counter and drug-free item which is made of small plastic bands. It is attached to the nose at night, somewhat like a band-aid. It functions by stretching the nostrils apart, making the space in the nasal valve open wider, allowing more air to flow. The result is that you breathe through your nose, not your mouth and eliminate the snoring. Usage of nose sprays can also clear obstructed nasal passages by decreasing nasal secretions with the same result. Additionally, they can also help to reduce the swelling in nasal passages and aid the musculature of the throat to slightly tighten.

A chin strap can be the answer if the identified cause of snoring is poor muscle tone in the tongue or throat of a person. This device is basically made of flexible neoprene that has to be wrapped around your chin and the back of your head to help keep the mouth closed. Because of this, the person is compelled to breathe normally through the nose. This may be a little uncomfortable and take a little getting use to.

A long soft palate or vulva that causes snoring can sometimes be cured by reshaping the mouth using a mouthpiece device. Also called mandibular advancement splints or dental appliances, they are usually small plastic gadgets designed to be worn in the mouth while sleeping. They work by bringing the lower jaw forward then lifting the soft palate. The idea here is to avoid the soft throat tissues from blocking the airway.